Links to the 22 Units of Leviticus
Short Descriptions of The Twenty-Two Units of Leviticus (Taken from "The literary structure of leviticus")
Unit-triad A: The Sacrificial System - all pericope rows triads
Unit I (ch. 1-3)
Three Spontaneously Motivated Private Sacrifices
1:1-9 | 1:10-13 | 1:14-17 | the burnt offering [entirely for the altar] |
2:1-3 | 2:4-13 | 2:14-16 | the cereal offering [primarily for the priest] |
3:1-5 | 3:6-11 | 3:12-17 | the well-being offering [primarily for the devotee] |
Unit II (ch. 4-5)
Sacrifices Required for Expiation
4:1-21 | 4:22-26 | 4:27-35 | purification offering [classified by sinners] |
5:1-6 | 5:7-10 | 5:11-13 | graduated purification offering [classified by object offered] |
5:14-16 | 5:17-19 | 5:20-26 | reparation offering [classified by sins] |
Unit III (ch. 6-7)
Administrative Order
6:1-6 | 6:7-11 | 6:12-16 | [priestly offerings] |
6:17-23 | 7:1-6 | 7:7-10 | [offerings of expiation] |
7:11-21 | 7:22-27 | 7:28-38 | [well-being offering] |
Unit-triad B – all pericope rows dyads
Unit IV (Ch. 8-10)
Inauguration of the Cult and Aftermath
8:1-36 | 9:1-24 | consecration and inaugural service |
10:1-7 | 10:8-11 | [death for improper entry to the Tent of Meeting] |
10:12-15 | 10:16-20 | eating of priestly portion |
Unit V (ch. 11)
Diet Laws
11:1-23 | 11:24-40 | [animals] |
11:41-42 | 11:43-47 | [insects] |
Unit VI (Ch. 12)
12:1-4 | 12:5 | [length of impurity] |
12:6-7 | 12:8 | [purification] |
Unit-triad C: Impurities and Purification
Unit VII (Ch.13:1-46)
[Impurity from] Scale Disease
13:1-8 | 13:9-17 | [“When a person has…it shall be reported”] |
13:18-23 | 13:24-28 | [“The skin of one’s body”] |
13:29-37 | 13:38-39 | [“If a man or a woman”] |
13:40-44 | 13:45-46 | [צרוע] |
Unit VIII (Ch. 13:47-14:57)
13:47-50 | 13:51-55 | 13:56-59 | fabrics |
14:1-9 | 14:10-20 | 14:21-32 | [people] |
14:33-38 | 14:39-47 | 14:48-57 | [buildings] |
Unit IX (Ch. 15)
Genital Discharges
15:1-15 | 15:16-18 | male |
15:19-24 | 15:25-33 | female |
Unit-triad D – all pericope rows triads
Unit X (Ch. 16)
Day of Purgation
16:1-2 | 16:3-22 | 16:23-28 | the ritual |
16:29-32 | 16:32-33 | 16:34 | the date |
Unit XI (Ch. 17)
The Slaughter and Consumption of Meat
17:1-7 | 17:8-9 | 17:10-12 | [sacrificial] |
17:13-14a | 17:14b | 17:15-16 | [non-sacrificial] |
Unit XII (Ch. 18)
Illicit Sexual Practices
18:1-2 | 18:3-4 | 18:5 | opening exhortation |
18:6-16 | 18:17-21 | 18:22-23 | the prohibitions |
18:24-25 | 18:26-29 | 18:30 | closing exhortation |
Focal Unit
Unit XIII (Ch. 19)
19:1-2 19: 3 19:4 19:5-10 | 19:11-12 19:13-14 19:15-16 19:17-19a | ||
19:19b | 19:20-22 | 19:23-25 | |
19:26-27 19:28-30 19:31 | 19:32 19:33-34 19:35-37 |
This Unit has a unique structure, which mirrors the structure of the whole book. It is divided into two blocks, of four pairs and three pairs respectively, by a unique triad (19:19b-25). This mirrors the division of the book into seven Unit-triads, divided into blocks of four Unit-triads (A-D) and three Unit-triads (E-G) by the unique Unit XIII. This Unit is the subject of an article, The Stone Tablets of Leviticus 19.htm.
Unit-triad E – all pericope rows triads
Unit XIV (Ch. 20)
Penalties for Molek Worship, Necromancy, and Sexual Offenses
20:1-5 | 20:6-8 | 20:9 | opening exhortation including penalties for Molek worship and necromancy |
20:10-12 | 20:13-16 | 20:17-21 | penalties for sexual offenses |
20:22-24 | 20:25-26 | 20:27 | closing exhortation |
Unit XV (Ch. 21)
Instructions for the Priests
21:1-6 | 21:7-8 | 21:9 | [all priests] |
21:10-12 | 21:13-15 | 21:16-24 | the High Priest |
Unit XVI (Ch. 22:1-25)
[Sanctified Objects]
22:1-2 | 22:3 | 22:4-8 | [people sanctify] |
22:9 | 22:10-16 | 22:17-25 | [God sanctifies] |
Unit-triad F – all pericope rows dyads
Unit XVII (Ch. 22:26-33)
[Animal Birth]
22:26-27 | 22:28-30 | [animal birth] |
22:31 | 22:32-33 | [closing exhortation] |
Unit XVIII (Ch. 23)
The Holiday Calendar
23:1-3 | 23:4-8 | [seven days] |
23:9-14 | 23:15-22 | first barley and wheat offerings |
23:23-25 | 23:26-32 | alarm blasts and purgation |
23:33-38 | 23:39-44 | the festival of Booths |
Unit XIX (Ch. 24)
Tabernacle Oil and Bread; The Case of Blasphemy
24:1-4 | 24:5-9 | oil and bread: [the permanent display in the Tent of Meeting] |
24:10-12 | 24:13-23 | the case of the blasphemer and talion laws |
Unit-triad G: Redemption
Unit XX (Ch. 25)
25:1-7 | 25:8-17 | 25:18-24 | [the land] | |
25:25-28 | 25:29-34 | [property] | ||
25:35-38 | 25:39-46 | 25:47-55 | [persons] |
Unit XXI (Ch. 26)
Blessings Curses and the Recall of the Covenant
26:1 | 26:2 | [Israel’s commitment to God ] |
26:3-13 | 26:14-41 | [interaction between God and Israel, blessings and curses] |
26:42-44 | 26:45-46 | [God’s commitment to redeem Israel] |
Unit XXII (Ch. 27)
Consecrations and their Redemption
27:1-8 | 27:9-13 | 27:14-15 | [requiring priestly judgment] |
27:16-25 | 27:26-29 | 27:30-34 | [not requiring priestly judgment] |